There are 2 trash and recycle pickup providers and schedules depending on which neighborhoods you live in. As a reminder, per our DCCR’s, cans can only be visible from the street on scheduled pick up days. They can not be left in sight any other days of the week and if seen during management property drives will result in a violation notice and possible fine.
Pointe Open and Gated Peak – trash, recycle, and organic pick up is provided by The City Of San Antonio Solid Waste Management. Click on link for their website. They can be contacted at 210-207-6428 or by calling 3-1-1. SA Solid Waste Services are paid through your CPS Energy bill and account is set up when services for home address are registered. Additional and/or replacement cart orders can be made by calling them or contacting 3-1-1.
Trash day (Brown cart) is Tuesday, Recycle (Blue cart) and Organic (Green cart) is Friday. They also provide bi-annual brush pick up and bulky item pickup and dates are communicated through door hangers and on their website.
Gated Heights and Gated Reserve – trash and recycle pick up is provided by Texas Disposal Systems. Click on link for their website. They can be contacted by calling 512-4211-1323. Services are paid by homeowner separate from CPS Energy Services and homeowner must call to set up account and/or request replacement carts.
Trash days are Tuesday and Friday and Recycle is Friday.