HOA Board of Directors Contact Info

The Promontory Pointe Board of Directors are volunteer homeowners from the PPHOA neighborhoods. Neighborhood representation on the Board is as follows: Pointe (3), Peak (2), Reserve (1), Heights (1), and At-Large (2). The Board of Directors and Officers are listed on this page, along with our Property Manager from Diamond Association Management & Consulting (DAMC). If you have a neighborhood specific question, it is best to contact the representative(s) for your neighborhood.  Board members also serves as liaisons for our resident run committees.  If you have a question about a committee or would like to serve, please contact the Board liaison assigned to that committee. This information can be found under each Board members information or on the Committee specific page.

BOD Meeting Minutes can be found on the Resident Info/Documents & Forms Page.

Steve Mills, President
N:At-Large (Peak at Promontory – expires 2023)
P: 210-260-0337

Mark Fantasia, Vice-President
N:At-Large (Promontory Pointe – expires 2024)
P: 210-882-0456
Board Liaison for ACC Committee

Julie Agena, Treasurer & Secretary
N:The Peak at Promontory (expires 2023)

Rick De La Rosa
N: The Peak at Promontory (expires 2025)
P: 210-204-5486

Ryan Sweeney, Director
E: Pointe3@Promontoryhoa.org
N: Promontory Pointe (expires 2023)
P: 210-387-0127                                                                                                        Board Liaison for the Landscape Committee

Jerry Becan, Director
E: Heights@Promontoryhoa.org
N: Promontory Heights (expires 2024)
P: 210-213-4306

Charles Schmidt, Director 
N: Promontory Pointe (expires 2025)
P: 210-275-4426

Jeff Clay, Director
N: Promontory Pointe (expires 2024)
P: 210-240-2979
Board Liaison for Recreation Committee

Erwin Flores Acala, Director
N: Promontory Reserve (Peak at Promontory – expires 2025)
P: 210-328-8710
Board Liaison for Social Committee