Want more information on the ACC?
Contact the Board liaison, Mark Fantasia, at atlarge1@promontoryhoa.org.
The role of the Architecture Control Committee (ACC) is to ensure our neighborhood covenants and standards are uniformly and fairly implemented. The ACC reviews and approves/disapproves improvement (change) requests from homeowners. Their decision is based on interpreting the Covenants and assuring the goals and objectives of the Promontory Pointe HOA are being met. It is the ACC premise that every homeowner should be allowed to improve their property to their own desire providing that they do not infringe on any other homeowners in the association. We are all volunteers, neighbors and fellow homeowners
Do you need to fill out an Improvement request?
If you are doing work to your home/landscape that will not change its original appearance, the answer is generally no. For example if you having your house repainted the same color, replacing plants/sod or repairing your fence.
If you are making improvements/changes that will alter the original appearance of your home the answer is yes. Examples include adding a deck/patio, major changes to landscaping or changing the color scheme of your home.
If you submit an improvement request please do not start work until you have received written approval of your project from Diamond Association Management Services. Any changes made without prior approval of the ACC may be disapproved and the homeowner will be required to return the property to its original condition at the homeowner’s expense. The more detail you provide with your request the easier it will be to process. Feel free to include photos, drawings, and scans of materials you plan to use.
Homeowner Improvement Request Form
The Promulgated Standards are a plain language explanation of the Covenants, designed to answer the most common issues home owners encounter. Reviewing this document will help you determine if you need an improvement request. If in doubt, we suggest submitting a form for review. You can also refer to the Homeowner Exterior Paint Standards for a more detailed explanation of exterior paint standards. Also linked below is the Xeriscaping Policy for a full explanation of the xeriscaping guidelines established for PPHOA.
Promulgated Standards
PPHOA Xeriscaping Policy
Please submit completed request to Diamond Association Management & Consulting
e-mail: acc@damctx.com
FAX: 210-690-1125
Mail: Diamond Association Management & Consulting
Promontory Pointe HOA / ACC Committee
14603 Huebner, Bld 40
San Antonio, TX 78230