SAPD offers residents the opportunity to participate in a special community involvement program named Citizen On Patrol (COP). The purpose of the COP Program is to prepare residents to be the “eyes and ears” of the police and to promote closer cooperation between residents and city agencies that exist to serve them. To join COP, you must fill out the COP Class Application and attend 2 – 4 hour training classes. This information can be found on the SAPD Citizen on Patrol webpage. If you are interested in joining or learning more about our Citizen on Patrol (COP) group, that SAPD trains and sanctions, contact any HOA Board Member.
The central core of SAPD’s Community Policing activities is the SAFFE (San Antonio Fear Free Environment) Unit. SAFFE officers are assigned to specific areas or neighborhoods within the city, and work closely with both residents and the district patrol officers also assigned to those areas. SAFFE officers establish and maintain day-to-day interaction with residents and businesses within their assigned beats, in order to prevent crimes before they happen. SAFFE officers also act as liaisons with other city agencies, work closely with schools and youth programs, coordinate graffiti-removal activities, and serve as resources to residents who wish to take back their neighborhoods from crime and decay. Contact info for our area SAFFE Officer is: